Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cookie Training: Incentives

       Rewards are cumulative
       Distribution 1-3 months post sale

Initial Order Reward
       175+ PGA
       Per Girl Average of the troop’s initial order based on the number of girls selling (not girls registered) in your troop and is submitted at the same time as the Initial Order for troop inventory. 
       Enter Girl Sizes on Ebudde (GIRLS tab)
       EBUDDE TIP: For eBudde to calculate the per girl average (PGA) for the initial order, you must assign ONE package of cookies for each girl selling in eBudde. Most troops assign each girl selling a box of Thin Mints. 
       DUE 12/5

Before the Sale Starts
       Use rewards card for girls’ goal setting
       Participation patch is 15 boxes
       Remind girls/families about Program Credit option
Late February
       Ask girls for Rewards Selections
After Sale (March 1)
       Leader/Cookie Mgr makes selections in Ebudde (REWARDS tab)
       Save selections for each girl
       1 FINAL Troop Submission 
       Super Seller Event dates: https://www.girlscoutsaz.org/en/cookies/for-cookie-volunteers.html
       Due 3/8


Cookie Badges
       Skill-building curriculum customized to cookie sale
       By level
       Purchase at Council Shop


Cookie Pins
       “Cookie Entrepreneur Family” Pins
       Downloadable activity worksheets
       Replaces “Cookie Activity Pin”
       Purchase at Council Shop


       All contest rules and entry forms are available on Council website
       Cookie Flair
o   “Bling Your Booth,” Dress Up Your Wagon,” “Create a Lemonade-style Cookie Stand”
       Mystery Houses
o   First girl to approach a mystery house wins a prize
o   Clues and entry available on website
       Flat Stacie Photo Contest
o   Submit a photo of Flat Stacie with her favorite Girl Scout 
§  Setting up Digital Cookie website, selling cookies, or talking to customers
       Design a Patch Contest
o   Design a Cookies for the Community patch
o   Template and entry on website
       Cookie Commercial Video Contest
o   See website for guidelines and entry info
       Cookie Pro
o   Nationwide contest